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Friday, November 20, 2009

Sprint and Samsung unveil Jesus Phone lookalike * Alert * Print Dead ringe

CTIA Wireless This summer, Sprint and Samsung will offer a touchscreen wireless handheld that dares to compete with the Jesus Phone.
When Sprint president and CEO Dan Hesse unveiled the new Samsung Instinct during his keynote speech at CTIA Wireless this morning in Las Vegas, he didn't actually mention the Jesus Phone. But he didn't have to. The Samsung Instinct looks like this:

And this:

Nonetheless, Hesse insisted on calling the Samsung Instinct "truly unique".
You see, Dan Hesse believes that his new device - slated to hit the US sometime this summer - puts the iPhone to shame. "This device is like no other touch-screen phone. Period. None are faster. None have more content pre-loaded."
Then he listed some of the Looks Like Jesus Phone's other attributes - and made another reference to speed.
"We'll make it easy-to-use, bringing applications and contacts within a single finger tap. We'll provide data at blazing speeds on our mobile broadband EVDO Rev A network. We'll offer applications that customers want: high-speed web access and entertainment services like music and TV. And some other things that others can't deliver, like GPS navigation and over-the-air downloads."
Hesse even went so far as to say that Sprint is the stuff of science fiction. "The end result is that the wireless company of the future exists now," he said. "Speed. Content. Industry leading applications. Simplicity. All of this will be available at a very competitive price this summer."...link

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